February 11

Just because someone else is doing it doesn’t mean you should

Mark Rowan


Jesus dancing with a sheep

I don’t remember exactly what the prompt for this image was … maybe “Jesus laughing with a lamb” BUT CLEARLY it didn’t work out.

Or did it? <img decoding=” />

Recently I heard the widespread adoption of AI was only a few months long compared to the internet being years before it was universally accepted. So that means everyone has an AI solution or they think they do.

This not an anti-AI post. Maybe an anti-“furry 2-stepping with Jesus” post.

No, the real point here is that whether it is AI or some other business tactic or marketing strategy, we don’t need to jump straight in it without asking first: is it right for me, my business, my ministry?

In the Kingdom of God, my position is that followers of Christ should be making room for God and His wisdom before anything else.

Another believer may have great success doing a particular activity but that does not gives us license to immediately adopt it.

I know I like a good shortcut. AI proliferation is based on that eternal human need to cut corners it seems. While AI, other people’s experience, successes and failures can be great stepping stones for our own efforts, when we lean too much on what someone else is doing verses leaning on God, we can get a weird sheep dancing with Jesus pic … or something.

My suggestion? The 2000 Cubit Rule from Joshua 3:4. Never heard of it? You have not gone this way before so you need to make room for God (ark of covenant) and you will know which way to go.

I think your picture will come out much nicer.


2000 Cubit Rule, AI

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